collaboration between the Insurance Regulatory Authority and the College of
Insurance to train insurance agents across the 47 counties is the greatest
opportunity that the public members should exploit. The objective of the
partnering endeavor is to train, examine, and issue certificates of proficiency
in insurance to the public and insurance agents. IRA and College of Insurance
intends to impact knowledge of insurance to all Kenyans in order to enable them
earn income through carrying out the selling insurance policies. The training will
also enlighten the public on the necessity of buying insurance to meet their
own needs.
In my previous
works, I had pointed out that lack of knowledge about the existence and
necessity of insurance among the public has been the main hindrance to growth
of insurance industry. Coming across this opportunity has given me a sense of
delight because my fellow Kenyans have the chances to be enlightened. We are no
longer going to live like those days of our grandparents when there was no hope
beyond a misfortune. Additionally, IRA and College of Insurance (thank God we
have such caring corporations) have made the training free of charge. Most of
us may think that the training is meant to benefit the insurance stakeholders;
however, the training will be critical to us the public members in the
Sammy Makove,
the Commissioner of Insurance Regulatory Authority, argued that the acceptance
of insurance services by local investors is a critical milestone in
guaranteeing economic growth and stability. This is because insurance protects
businesses from closure due to calamities. Makove added that training of
insurance agencies will create demand for insurance services through
sensitization and increase supply of insurance policies through the agents.
Let me assume
that the training has enlightened me on the importance of having an insurance
cover. The next step is to visit the nearest insurance company and invest
whatever small amount I have in my pocket. Currently, I have no formal
employment from where the government can deduct money for my pension. Twenty
years later after old age has stricken and I have stopped selling carrots in
Githurai Kimbo, I will have saved a sum equal to 2,000x12x20=sh. 480,000. With
this “little” sum of money, I will not find myself stealing “KANU” (cock) from Alexander’s
home, just as Makoha did (in this Vioja
Mahakamani clip I am watching in the IRA website). Since most people do not
have financial discipline, keeping money “out of reach of spendthrift fingers”
is the only option for discipline reinstatement.
Insurance agents
training in Kirinyaga County will take place between 7th and 18th
of October 2013. The training has been done in other counties such as Kitui,
and will be implemented in all counties across the country. In Kitui alone, 105
participants received certificates from the College of Insurance. I understand
that information begins to flow to one person, who in turn transmits the whole lot
to the following generations. I want to see a country where every citizen has
some form insurance for his or her own benefit. Banks and other financial
institutions cannot instill proper financial discipline among us since
withdrawals are not very strict. When I studied a small course in Insurance, I
noted that without insurance the nation heads nowhere. The main reason for this
is that the dependence ratio especially at old age reduces the funds available
for savings and investment. According to Sammy Makove, “a stable business
environment that is devoid of threats by calamities would create wealth and
expedite the achievement of Vision 2030.”
The training is
open to Kenyans over 18 years of age, literate and able to communicate in
English. After two weeks, successful candidates are awarded Executive Certificate
of Proficiency (ECOP). The training will enable the trainee to obtain
employment using the ECOP. Another benefit of the training is that it will
provide an additional source of income for those already engaged in other
trades. The best of all is that there will be increased knowledge and understanding
of insurance among the members of the public.
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